Craigshookup Review (Avoid Scam!)

Some dating sites are great and others are horrible. That’s the way the cookie crumbles on the Internet today. I’ve recently come across Craigshookup which is a “hookups” site that makes a lot of claims. Fear not, I’m going to shed some light on this site (hopefully before you’ve taken action on it).

Craigshookup Site Scam

My Investigation of

Whenever you find a new site that you want to check out it can be a challenge to figure out whether or not it happens to be legitimate. This is nowhere near the case with Craigshookup. From the first second that you see it, it’s clear that the entire thing is nothing more than a cheap knock-off clone of Craigslist.

I cannot stand knockoffs!

It’s sites like these that are actively trying to deceive you into believing that you’re on a site when you’re really on another. The problem here is that this one that doesn’t have your best interests in mind.

If Craigshookup had something to offer people that use it, they wouldn’t have to do what they do. They would simply be able to do their own thing and not worry about sending you on a wild goose chase. That’s why whenever you see something like this, it’s always best to keep your distance.

We can all agree that it looks and feels like Craigslist but that’s quite deceiving for sure. You have no idea what it is that they have in store for you. The Craigshookup owner claims that the site is free to use, but that’s also not the case. You’ll need to pay at some point. For a site that’s already tried to deceive you once, it doesn’t seem like a great idea to trust them with your financial information.

More Red Flags

Another giant red flag of Craigshookup is the fact that they redirect you almost immediately when you try to create your free profile. You will end up on other scam sites that use different techniques to cheat you. They want all of your money.

If you really feel like checking these sites out, you can, but they don’t have anything to offer you. You’ll get nothing but a lifetime of spam messages from them and that’s not really what anybody should be after. It’s all just one big cycle.

Copycat Crap

The site itself is almost an exact copy of Craigslist, but they charge for the stuff that you’re really looking for. You can check the site out for free, but you’ll have to use the free account section.

They’ll do nothing but try to get you to upgrade your profile. These guys are experts at trying to scam people and they allow other scammers to post on the site all of the time. If you can manage to not get scammed by the site itself, then you’ll more than likely get scammed by the people who are posting on it. There’s just no way to win with this.

This Craigshookup site is just a site to stay away from. They have nothing that anyone would ever want and they’ll try to get you anytime they possibly can. No matter how safe you try to be, you’re going to get taken at some point. It’s just the nature of Craigshookup. They never hold back when it comes to getting what they want from you. It’s best if you completely avoid Craigshookup.

Other scams to avoid: