Four Booze Shots Never To Order On A Date


Hey guys, Todd here again to bring you some awesome dating advice. I had a conversation with someone this weekend about taking booze shots. We were chatting about going out with some local girls in town and I realized that some shots are fucking terrible and the effects are even worse. One thing that will take your buzz to the next level is ordering shots. There seem to be more invented every day and some of them are pretty outrageous.

Some of these shots are made to be hard to swallow, some are made for taste and some are made to get your drunk as fast as possible. Well, I took the time to outline the types of shots that I think absolutely suck. There are so many shots out there. Hopefully, this will give you an idea of what to avoid when on a date.

booze shots to avoid

These Four Booze Shots All Suck

The shots I’m about to mention will fuck your dating game all up if you take them. Do not go overboard here. Take my advice very seriously unless you want to bang yourself later in the evening. Not too mention, too much booze will lead to being in bad shape and fit gym girls don’t like to fuck slobs.

Cheap Tequila – If you have any experience with pounding shots at the bar, you know that cheap tequila is among the worst. Let’s face it. Most tequila is pretty damn hard to swallow, especially when you pound more than one shot. It needs to be pretty damn expensive to go down smooth. It burns going down and it sits in your stomach like a pool of acid and has the tendency to turn you into a madman.

Any Artificially Flavored Liquor (Especially Vodka) – Some of the worst shots you can take and some of the worst for your stomach are flavored liquor shots. I don’t like Vodka shots anyway, but when the flavor is added, it turns into instant rot gut. You want the liquor in your shots to be as pure as possible and syrupy flavoring seems to dance around in your stomach just begging to get out.

Cream Based Shots – Speaking of rot gut; cream based liquor will rot your gut faster than anything. Just the idea of mixing milk with liquor makes my stomach feel a little funny. These can actually be okay when taken in moderation. It doesn’t get along well with anything else that you have in your stomach. The hangover you get from these types of shots is a cruel form of torture that you want to avoid. Some of the worst shots that fall into this category are the Cement Mixer, Alligator Sperm, and the Buttery Nipple.

Spicy Shots – I will be the first one to say that I love spicy shots, but they don’t love me. They taste good and they even feel good going down, but they do not fare well sitting in your stomach. These shots have a similar effect as cream based shots, but with more heartburn and overall sour feeling the next day. Some dangerous spicy shots are Motor Oil, Fireball, Prairie Fire, and The Tapeworm.

Then what is safe to take? Well, I typically choose to stick to basic hard booze shots such as the Jameson or Jack Daniels. If a girl can crush these shots then you know she can probably bang like a pro. Take a few shots and take her immediately home!

Why Dating Ugly Chicks Is Fun Too


I’m going to come clean with you and tell you that I sometimes enjoy dating ugly chicks. I don’t always need the hottest college girl to have fun. Sure, it makes me look better and looks great on my sex resume but that’s about it. Find out why I spend time dating ugly chicks and why you should do the same.

dating ugly chicks

Reasons Why Ugly Chicks Are Fun To Date

Here are a few reasons why dating an ugly chick can be really exciting and fun. I spend time using my favorite hookup site searching for less than attractive girls to connect with. I’m not telling you to find an ugly girlfriend. I’m just saying that you should bang some from time to time. These are just some of the reasons why I do it…

They’re Happier
I know it might seem strange but ugly chicks are happier than those that look like supermodels. The ones that look like they should be on the cover of a magazine have some issues. Guess what happy girls like to do? They like to have more sex!

Try Much Harder
Every time I’ve had sex with an ugly girl, they’ve tried much harder than all other girls. I’m not sure why this is the case but it is. Ugly girls always try harder in the bedroom and I think it might be because they do not get the opportunity to have sex as often. They want to make it known that they truly care about pleasing the person that they are with to prove a point that sex is incredible with them.

They Give Good Head
Every time I meet a girl online that’s ugly, I think about getting a BJ from the girl. I’ve had some of the best blowjobs from girls that just didn’t have the best looks at all. In fact, I’ve gotten head from a few ugly girls in public places just because they were horny. I didn’t have to reciprocate anything. It was literally that easy to get some. I think it’s because they enjoy giving head more than most.

Opportunity Knocks
Ugly girls are often smarter than pretty girls and they know when to take advantage of an opportunity. It should not be a shocker that when opportunity knocks, the ugly girl answers. What that means is that when she has a chance to get you inside her and there’s nothing that’s going to stop her from taking advantage of that opportunity. She may even cheat on someone to get laid.

More Fun
Ugly chicks have more fun than super hot chicks. They don’t worry about the bullshit that goes along with dating the hotter ones. They aren’t afraid to do stuff on dates and get really drunk. Basically, ugly chicks are more fun than almost all other really hot ones. The main thing super hot chicks have going for them is that they are hot. Sure, that’s a lot but that’s about it.

Those reasons should be enough for your to want to fuck an ugly chick in your neighborhood or city today. Get your ass out there and meet one today!

Barhopping And Making Out With Girls


There is a time right after college when the world is at your feet. Most likely you want to spend that time barhopping and making out with a bunch of girls. Trust me, I totally get it!

You just finished up your education that prepared you for the fun road ahead and you just want to have a little fun before you set forth on the journey through adult life. A big part of after college fun is barhopping and a big part of barhopping is making out with multiple girls. I’m not talking hooking up, just making out and having some fun before hooking up. Think of it as testing the waters before finding the one you want to take home.

barhopping and making out

Barhopping 101: Tips For Making Out With Girls You Meet

Here are a few tips on how to make out with multiple girls while barhopping…

Learn How To Dance – One thing that is going to get you noticed by multiple girls and give you a big advantage over other guys is dancing. The better you dance, the more high caliber girls you will make out with, it’s that simple. If you don’t dance, you better be prince charming and look like Brad Pitt.

Eyes Find Eyes – If you are interested in a girl at a bar, start making eye contact. Don’t stare. Just let your eyes find each other. If she fixates on you, then you can stare. Once you make solid eye contact, start moving toward her. Make it look like you are just strolling through the bar at first then head in her direction and make your move.

If She Wants To Talk, Then Talk – Sometimes you can start dancing next to a girl on the dance floor once you’ve made eye contact and that’s enough to start the process that leads to making out. There has to be instant heat for this to happen. Otherwise, talk to her and turn on the charm.

Don’t Get Carried Away – This goes for both your advances and your alcohol intake. Don’t come on too strong or you’ll cause her to lose interest. If you get a little carried away drinking and turn into a belligerent drunk, every girl in the bar will lose interest.

Don’t Burn Your Spot, Keep Moving – It is possible to achieve making out with multiple girls in one bar or club if it’s big enough and packed with enough people (I have). Otherwise you should move on to the next bar after each make out session. If you are spotted moving from girl to girl, it could get people talking and complicate your mission, i.e. burn your spot.

These barhopping tips are important and if you play your cards right, you could find yourself instant messaging girls you’ve made out with at the bar asking them to come over to fuck. It’s very common that making out leads to banging because it’s just the nature of it all.

5 Things To Remember When Having a Devils Threesome With A Friend


Okay, this update is for the guys that like having sex with their friends or with friend watching. In case you’re not familiar with the term; a “Devils Threesome” refers to three-way sex involving one woman and two men. Guys often fantasize about a three-way involving them and two girls, but when there are two guys involved, it tends to get a little more complicated. Before you judge, I want to confirm that it is possible to have a successful bang session with a couple of friends you meet online so don’t click away just yet. Read the post first!

devils threesome sex

Things To Remember For A Devils Threesome

Here are 5 things that you should remember if you ever find yourself involved in a Devils Threesome.

1) Your balls might touch – I know, it sounds fucked up but it just might happen. You should be comfortable with your masculinity if you are involved in one of these threesomes. Your balls will probably touch the balls of another man at one point and you don’t need to freak out. Accept that everyone will touch at one time or another during this sex act. If it bothers you, maybe you shouldn’t get involved. It’s nothing major and in the event that this bothers you, I suggest you stick to strictly banging girls online and meeting for typical one on one sex.

2) Be respectful to both your other partners – The position and who puts what where is commonly determined by the girl, but you should always try to give the other guy equal time. Don’t hog the sweet spots for too long and allow him to have a turn. If you are respectful to your partners, it will be better for all of you. I actually had a Devils Threesome with a horny girl I met at my gym and she was very inviting and took care of all parties involved. A typical pleaser! I met her using a dating site then approached her after that.

3) She has to welcome everything you do – As I mentioned in number 2, how the devils threesome goes is commonly determined by the girl. She is the one that is going to have two different penises in her body, so she has to be comfortable with everything that is happening every step of the way.

4) Don’t be shy, masturbate – How much you follow this tip depends on how she is handling things and how long you and the other guy last. You don’t want to keep pumping away on her if it takes longer for you to ejaculate. Don’t be afraid to give her a break and masturbate to elevate your arousal.

5) In the end, it’s all about her – This is somewhat restating number three, but it’s a sentiment that is surely worth mentioning again. For the most part, she is in control. Always pay attention to how she is feeling and make sure she is enjoying and welcomes everything that is happening. If she’s not having fun, no one is having fun. While you’re at it; try to take this sentiment a step further and do what you need to do to give her the most earth shattering orgasm she has ever had.

Reasons I Love Internet Dating Versus Traditional Dating


I’m no stranger to blind dates and meeting people offline. In fact, I’ve spent a great number of my days strictly going on blind dates and trying to pick up local girls hanging out at grunge bars and that didn’t do much good. I then graduated to Internet dating and it changed my dating life forever. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get super sentimental on you. I am going to tell you that I get more pussy than ever before these days and I love Internet dating more than I love anything in the entire world. I’ll share some reasons why I love it so much.

i love internet dating

Why I Love Internet Dating So Much

Here is a short list of the many reasons why I love Internet dating so much and why I consider it to be one of the best things ever invented.

1. I can do it at home in my underwear without having to worry about making myself look good.

2. It’s cheaper than going on a ton of dates with people you don’t give a fuck about.

3. I can easily avoid any ugly people and completely omit them from the equation.

4. The chances of getting laid are far greater than with traditional dating.

5. I no longer need any help from my friends.

6. I get to see the person I want to fuck naked before physically going on a date with them.

7. I generally don’t need to buy them dinner to convince them to have sex with me.

8. I get to familiarize myself with the best bars and hotels in the city.

9. I save money on birthday and holiday gifts all year long.

10. My circle of potential fuck buddies is 100 times larger than it previously was.

11. I can be honest with other adult dating members letting them know I just want a no strings attached date.

12. I don’t have to call people or talk to them after I fuck them.

13. My dating efficiency goes through the roof when using an online adult dating site.

14. No need to bring anyone home to mom and dad to meet the family.

15. I get laid literally every other day.

16. I don’t have to worry about getting sloppy seconds hooking up with girls that my buddies have banged.

17. No awkward sleepovers or morning breakfast dates as a courtesy.

18. I can message girls late night without feeling like a creep.

19. Girls work around my schedule to meet up instead of me trying to rearrange my life just for a date.

20. I’m still single and can fuck anyone I want, when I want and how I want, and I can find someone for sex almost anywhere in the world.

These are my main reasons for loving Internet dating and I’m pretty certain that you are going to agree with me on more than a couple of reasons here. Try out Instabang or any other dating site that offers your a chance to connect with someone just looking for sex. Heck, even a typical friends with benefits arrangement with someone that you’ve met through Internet dating is an experience you’ll want to try and will not forget.

Meet Girls At The Gym That Want To Bang


Meeting girls that want to bang isn’t hard at all. In fact, it’s pretty damn easy if you ask me. I do it almost every single day without skipping a beat. I also get laid on the reg and I do so using a couple of tools that work. My favorite dating site and a few good steps that take. I’ll be honest and say that the absolute best place to meet someone other than on the Internet is at the gym. Here’s the formula that will get your dick wet for years to come.

gym girls

Steps To Meet Girls At Your Gym To Fuck

Here are the steps that I take each time I want to meet someone local at my gym to have sex with. It’s a pretty simple process and you just need to be familiar with the necessary steps.

Know Your Surroundings

It’s absolutely important that you know your surroundings and understand what is around you. By that, I mean you need to take note of which girls at your gym want to meet someone or like to fuck in general. In order to determine that, I suggest that you survey the area with your eyes and that you also log onto Instabang to see which girls are part of the hookup network. Those that are members likely want to fuck more than others or they are easier. What you are doing is narrowing the numbers down to help you more.

Start To Mingle and Meet

The next step is to begin to mingle with girls at your gym. You’ll absolutely want to make sure that you do not spend even a second interrupting some hot girl during her set. It’s crucial that you wait until she’s done throwing the weights or bands around before you approach her. She’s get pissed off if you interrupt her workout mid-exercise.

Time For Some Action

Once you have mingled with a potential sex date then you need to take some further action. What I mean by that is that you ask if she’s looking for a workout partner or if you can help spot her or something. It’s absolutely crucial that you act confident but be polite as can be if you want to up your chance of getting laid. Just make sure you are making a connection with a girl that seems somewhat interested in you.

Ask Her Out Now

Don’t wait until another day to ask her out. Before she leaves you must ask her to meet you for a smoothie, dinner or drinks if you want any chance of having sex with her. I always ask girls out at the gym and I actually try to get them to have a shake or massage with me at the gym. This often leads to me fucking the girls at the gym even. Worst case, you spend time lining up a potential fuck date with some horny fitness girl. What the fuck is there to hate about that?

These are the exact steps that get me laid at the gym. Get your sweat on and follow my steps. You’ll eventually get some pussy.

Really Important Dating Mistakes Never TO Make


If you’re using any Internet dating sites or if you’re simply dating in general, then you need to understand a few things that you’ve likely never thought of. I’m talking about dating mistakes! If you want to have great success when it comes to dating online then you need to understand that the things that I’m about to share with you are mistakes that you must avoid if you want to be successful at the dating game.

dating mistakes to avoid

A Few Dating Mistakes To Avoid At All Times

Here are a few crucial dating mistakes that you will want to avoid at all costs possible.

Don’t Take Things Personal

There’s a reason why it’s called adult dating. It’s for adults and adults should know better than to take something too personal. Internet dating is not for sensitive people. It’s for people that want to marry someone. You must have a strong stomach when dating people you meet online.

You’re objective is to go on a date and fuck someone, not marry them. If someone decides they don’t want to date you then you can’t get upset or offended. It’s pretty common. Don’t get pissed, find someone else instead.

Don’t Think You Deserve Shit

You think that you deserve to find so many people that you can’t possibly bang all of them right? You also feel that you are entitled to hooking up with someone within hours of joining a dating site.

Well, hate to break the news to you but you are not entitled to shit. Do not waste time thinking that you are owed anything at all.

The fact of the matter is that people that think this way sound like fucking cry babies. Just be smart and efficient when browsing people online. Work hard and smart, I promise you’ll have better results with that attitude versus any other.

Do Fear Missing Things

There are literally hundreds of individuals that miss dating opportunities every single day because they rather spend time doing something else.

They pass up on opportunities in fear of missing out on a night with friends or something else. I’m telling you to cut that shit out right now! If you want to find someone to bang then you need to try and meet them.

Forget the bros before hoes saying. That doesn’t fly when it comes to dating online.

I promise you that if you end up making these mistakes you will never be as successful at meeting to bang someone from the Internet as you could.

You will never reach your full potential. Take my advice and just do exactly as I’ve suggested. Join the Instabang dating site and find girls to bang today.

How Yoga Improved My Online Dating Life


I recently started going to yoga classes to improve my flexibility, balance, and mindset. Little did I know what impact it would have on my dating life. It literally changed my life for the better and I’m going to tell you exactly what it did and why it did it. You won’t believe it until you read this.


Yoga Improved My Online Dating Here’s How…

Better Sex
Once I started taking yoga, I immediately started having better sex. In fact, I started having the best sex that I’ve ever had in my life. Part of the reason was because I’d spent so much time stretching that my body was just better. I was able to fuck like a champ. Not that I wasn’t a stud before but being more flexible made my sex life better.

Better Attitude
I don’t know if it was the yoga or not but ever since I started taking yoga classes I had a better attitude about everything in life. I was more positive and appreciated things more. Some people say that attitude is everything and I truly believe that now. That’s why I continue to go to yoga. If a girl dissed me or declined a date, I didn’t get mad. I was completely fine with her decision and moved on. Prior to taking yoga classes, that most likely would have never happened.

More Focus
Yoga helped me focus on what mattered most. Getting more girls to want to fuck me. I spent less time online but I focused more and approached things with a strong passion in order to be effective in the least amount of time as possible. That focus helped increase my success more than ever when it came to dating girls I met online.

Stronger Mindset
Yoga made me physically and mentally stronger. That stronger mindset really helped increase my positive mindset. Having a solid mindset is extremely important and being strong is a characteristic that many women look for. Most successful people have strong mindsets and those that want to get laid must have the same mindset.

Yoga changed my life and I can guarantee that it’s going to do the exact same thing to your online dating lifestyle. Get your ass into the yoga studio as fast as possible. As an added bonus, you might meet a couple of women that want to fuck you too. Since I’ve started going to yoga classes, I’ve fucked four women that I go to class with and I didn’t even have to send sext messages to them to entice them. They just wanted dick! If you don’t believe me, then I urge you to take action yourself to see what I’m talking about.

How To Be Romantic


Hey guys, Todd here again and today I want to talk about something I rarely do. If you want to have a great online dating experience then you need to know how to be romantic. That holds true whether you are trying to date just to have an NSA relationship or if you’re looking to meet someone for a more long term relationship. You need to be somewhat romantic is you want to be successful when it comes to dating.

how to be romantic

Tips On How To Be Romantic

Both college girls, as well as older women, love romance. Therefore, you’ve got to learn how to be romantic if you want to get pussy. Here are a few tips that should help you out.

Buy Her Flowers
Girls love flowers. They absolutely love getting surprised with flowers. I don’t care if you’re trying to just fuck a girl or you really like her. Buy her some flowers and it’s going to score you some points for sure. Works every single time.

Tell Her She’s Beautiful
Women love compliments if they are genuinely stated. I’ve told some college girls that they had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen and believe it or not, that has gotten me laid on numerous occasions. I can’t stress how important this is and how far it will get you. I always make a point to compliment girls on dates and tell them that they are absolutely beautiful.

Book A Spa Date
Spa dates are great. If you want to get a woman really relaxed, then you should book a date at a spa and without a doubt she’ll feel like she owes you something big. If you can find a spa that does couples treatments then you should without a doubt go with that type of date.

Open Doors For Her
Chivalry matters. Women love to be treated great, even if they just want dick. They love guys that open doors for them and take the time to go the extra mile to impress them. Open her car door, open the door to the restaurant. Just be a gentleman and you’ll get pussy.

Take her To A Romantic Steak House
Steak houses are perhaps the most romantic date locations that one can go on. What I mean by that is that it’s a very romantic atmosphere and it’s also a great place to get a few drinks. Your date will feel like you really put in a lot of effort if you take her to a nice steak house.

You don’t have to do all of these things but I will suggest that you do a few of them if possible. They definitely work because I bang girls every single time I’m romantic on a date.

I Cheated On My Girlfriend


It may come has a shocker to you but I had a girlfriend at one point. Yes, I cheated on my girlfriend and I wish I hadn’t done that. I’m going to give you a few reasons to not cheat on your girlfriend and to just break up with her if you’re miserable or just not happy at all.

I Cheated On My Girlfriend

I Cheated On My Girlfriend, But You Shouldn’t

Here are a few reasons to not cheat on your girlfriend and to just break up with her if you’re unhappy. This is, of course, assuming that you’ve already found a horny local girl to hook up with.

You’ll Regret It
If you do cheat on your girlfriend, you’re going to regret doing it. Maye not right away but at some point, you’re going to feel like a complete asshole. It can eat away at you and it’s not going to help you sleep at night. Not to mention that it’s bad karma too.

It’s Not Worth It
Cheating isn’t worth it. It’s much more respectable for you to just break up with the girl that you’re seeing versus having sex or cheating in any capacity what so ever. It’s just not worth it at all.

She’s Going To Hate You
I’ve never done well with breakups and the girl that I cheated on now hates my guts. She would rather see me get hit by a bus or not survive an earthquake than see me out with the girl I cheated on her with. She hates me. If I was honest she wouldn’t hate me now.

Girls Get Even
Some girls can be crazy and by crazy I mean down right nuts! Cheating on a girl can be a death wish. She’ll tell everyone she knows how small your dick is and how bad you were in bed. She’ll put you on blast publically and make you the laughing stock of the town. They always get even. Don’t think otherwise.

The New Girl Isn’t Worth It
If the girl you are hooking up with knows that you have a girlfriend and you think that you’re both going to be a happy ever after couple then you have it all wrong. If she knows you’re cheating on your girlfriend now, then she will always have that fear in her head that you’ll cheat on her too.

The moral of the story is the I cheated on my girlfriend to get a little extra side pussy and it wasn’t worth it one bit. I should have just split up with her instead.

If you’re looking to date or even hook up with other people just breakup with her so you can join a hookup site and start fucking girls.