Verified Profiles Review


Today’s report covers the ins and outs of Verified Profiles. This is a legit dating site by the folks at Fling, Instabang, and SnapSext (not Snapsex). It’s their version of the safest, secure, and verified profile dating site on the Internet. Find out the truth about and why we think it’s a really great option for finding real singles online.

Verified Profiles

Verified Profiles Review Confirms It’s A Verified Winner

So, let’s cover the obvious first…There are plenty of dating sites out there that require their members to verify their profiles. It lets the people using the site know that no one is lying to them.

The process is usually the same. If you want to get a badge saying that your profile is verified, you have to send in a copy of your ID. Then when other people look at your profile, they see the badge and know that you are who you say you are. It’s a great way for sites to operate and a lot of them want you to think you can trust their process.

Unfortunately, there are also plenty of sites that lie and tell you they’re verifying people only to trick you into them. These sites have no actual process, let alone actual users. That’s NOT what’s happening on Verified Profiles. In fact, this might be one of the sites that actually tell you their profiles are verified, and truly checks to verify that.

The Messages Are Real

If you want to confirm that this isn’t a scam site, all you have to do is create a free profile. What’s going to happen here is what happens on most trustworthy sites. You’re going to (very slowly) start getting messages in your inbox right. That’s always a dead giveaway that a member is real. If it takes time, then that’s a good sign.

No site is ever going to be filled with people who send you messages as soon as you sign up. If they do and you try to respond to them, you’ll see how it all works. Now, here at VP, you can’t send off a single message unless you upgrade your account to a paid membership.

That actually makes a lot of sense too. The reason being, they weed out the fakes and further tire kickers by doing this. The verified members go out of their way to send you messages that you’ll end up wanting to respond to. That’s when you decide to message back. Soon as you do, you’ll find out these members are 100% legit and ready to connect via chat even.

Check Out The Photos

If you want more evidence that this is real, just take a look at the photos on the verified profiles. You can run a reverse image search on them and you’ll quickly learn that they are real people, not stock photos, and not bought profiles.

What you’re going to see is that all of the images that are 100% real and as legit as can be. That’s because the verification process helps the company weed out stock photos and fake profiles.

Conclusion: Verified Profiles Will Work Because It’s Real

Verified Profiles is a site that you should spend time investing in. It’s a confidential and trustworthy dating site and it works. The site will help you connect with real users. This is one that’s only out to help you meet someone that’s real and actually hookup. Don’t be afraid to join it once and for all.

Check Out Verified Profiles – Here

Getting Over A Hookup


Whether you’ve been hooking up only briefly or if you’ve been doing it all along, it’s def going to be tough to get over. In fact, getting over a breakup is never an easy thing to do. Those are for long term relationships, though. Things can get really complicated really quickly when the person you’re saying goodbye to is simply a hookup.

Yes – it happens – ALL THE TIME.

You start hooking up with someone just to have a little bit of fun. The sex is great and you really get along. That’s when you start feeling like you could be more together. The jealousy of seeing him or her with another person starts to burn into you.

You tell them that you want your relationship to become more. They say no. Now you’re heartbroken and you feel like you have no right to be. That’s where the real complication comes in.

She (or he) was just a hookup and they did nothing wrong. They simply held true to your relationship. Now you have to get over it and here’s how you do it. This article will help you get past everything.

Get Over A Hookup

Get Over A Hookup Quickly

These things are in no specific order. They just must all be considered when trying to get over a hookup.

Clean The Slate

The first thing you want to do is cut yourself off from the person. This isn’t a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is just someone you had sex with. You never want to be that person. You never want them to think of you in that way. Sure, you asked for more and they said no. It’s really that simple.

Go through all of your social media and delete their contacts. Delete all of the messages. Never give in to your desire to message (or send emojis). Never call for the sex that you love so much. It won’t end well and you’ll just reignite your feelings. Please, do not do that.

Build Your Confidence

Now it’s time for you to start rebuilding your confidence. It’s no doubt taken a massive hit by this rejection. Lots of people like to start with a new haircut. Others prefer to binge-watch TV and eat a lot of ice cream until they realize they can do anything that they want.

Investing in a brand new sex toy might not be a bad idea. If you can manage to make yourself feel just as good as this person made you feel then you can come out as the clear winner.

There’s no need for your hookup buddy when you can get all of the things offered by yourself or even better, by someone else on Instabang! They’re the one who’s missing out now that you’re a certified sex guru.

Get Back Out There

Now it’s time to hit the scene again. Masturbation is only going to get you so far. Sign up for a good hook up site (the one mentioned above) and show everyone what you have to offer them. It won’t hurt to focus on the younger people for a while.

Show yourself that you’re still just as desirable and you’ll never have to spend another second thinking about what’s his name. Move on and have some mind-blowing sex with as many guys as you want. Do a little experiment with a few others as well.

Experience everything that you missed out on while you were limiting yourself to only banging one person. In other words, take action, get out there and start to date and make things happen, simple as that! Looking for some step by step advice? No problem…here’s some info for you in this article.

Sexy Emoji Texting Advice


Do you like to put in some work upfront? If so, then you’re probably texting local women. When texting them, you should be using emojis to help spice things up a bit. This article explains why you should use emoji icons in your text messages and how to use them without looking stupid.

Emoji Texting Tips

How To Seduce A Woman With Sexy Emojis Via Texts

Everyone likes to sext. It’s the best way to let someone know that you’re interested without having to feel overly awkward. Telling a woman that you want to have sex with her is a lot more difficult than sending her a banana and peach.

It lets you be cute about it while working the idea of sex with you into her mind. It will be your best bet at getting her into the bedroom (or at least to your bachelor pad) and you don’t have to put a lot of thought into it. You just have to do a few things to make sure that you’re successful.

Check Out Her Social Media

The first thing that you want to do is do a little bit of detective work. Check out her Facebook or any other social media accounts that she has. You want to see what kind of emojis she uses on her own.

There are a lot of women out there who think some of the emojis are overly creepy. While one girl might use the winking emoji every single day, another might think it’s creepy and too sexual.

Check out the kind that she uses and try to use the same ones to get your point across.

Don’t Use Too Many

The next thing you have to keep track of is how many emojis you’re sending her. You don’t want to overdo it here.

Make sure you still spend plenty of time using actual words. Just depending on emojis will make you come across as being unable to carry an actual conversation.

The emojis should be used to enhance your points rather than make them without actual words.

Get your point across with a mix and you’ll be much more likely to come across as someone that she wants to get to know better.

Don’t Fill Her Box

If you want to fill her box in real life, don’t fill her digital box with nonsense. If you send off a text and don’t hear back, don’t send another one.

She got it.

If she doesn’t respond at all, it means she isn’t interested. If she doesn’t respond right away, she might just be busy. Don’t push yourself on her and you’ll have much better chances.

Meet Her First

If this is a woman that you haven’t met yet, don’t sext her emojis. It’s not going to come across as great. You’re going to make it obvious that you’re only interested in having sex with her.

That’s not what you want to happen. Wait until you actually meet up with her before you start ramping up your texts with sex talk and emojis.

You need to have a basis for a real relationship before you can start being cute with her about it.

Be Cute Instead Of Sexual

Most importantly, you want to be cute instead of sexual. Don’t send her a peach that’s pointing to tell her you want to finger her butthole.

peach emojis

Find ways to say the things you want to say without being too obvious about it. It’s best if you think of the whole thing like a game instead of anything else.

It’s the best way to a woman’s heart when they can think of you as cuddly instead of constantly hard.

Be Yourself

No matter how you talk to girls with your emojis, you always want to be yourself. Don’t try to copy anyone else’s style.

Just be the person you really are and have an actual conversation with her.

Tell her what you normally would, just through images. That’s really the key to the whole thing for you.

Now, if you’re struggling to meet people, then you must start here first

How To Have Great Shower Sex


I’m all about getting down in the shower! This post showcases literally everything I know about having shower sex. Having successfully accomplished this task with many girls in my day, I felt it was only right for me to share some tips with you. Before you decide to get wet with some local hottie you meet on Instabang, do yourself a favor and read this first…

Shower Sex tips

Tips For Having Great Shower Sex

We’ve all seen those steamy love scenes in the movies. They’re the scenes where the steam is both literal and figurative at the same time. Of course, we’re talking about shower sex scenes. Nothing looks hotter on camera.

You get the visuals of the running water and heat all over the actors’ bodies. Plus you get the steam on the shower doors that just so happens to cover up the naughty bits so the movie can get a decent rating. Wanting to try it for yourself is extremely natural and it can be a whole lot of fun. Here’s how you get the most out of your shower sex.

Get A Shower Mat

The very first thing you want to do is get yourself a good shower mat. This is all one big slippery situation and you don’t want to leave anything to chance.

One wrong thrust and you can lose your footing in an instant. One or both of you will end up on the bathroom floor with blood gushing from your brand new head wounds.

Don’t let that happen. Get a good mat and make sure the fluids gushing are the ones you want.

Men Can Underperform

The thing that you absolutely have to keep in mind is that men might just not be able to keep it up in the shower. For one thing, he’s standing.

That sends the blood in the wrong direction. More importantly, the hot water will have something to say here. Hot water lowers blood pressure. Lower blood pressure once again means that it’s not going where it’s supposed to.

If it happens to you, don’t worry about it. Shower sex just isn’t going to be your thing. If a guy wants to surprise his woman he might want to try a solo outing first.

If you can beat your meat in the shower then you can probably beat the heat when it’s time for your sex partner to eat your meat.

Condoms And Showers

Another thing to keep in mind is that condoms and shower sex are never going to be a thing. The water is going to eat right through them. If they have spermicide on them, that’s also going to disappear. Does that mean you should either give up on shower sex or condoms?

No, it doesn’t mean that. Just make sure you don’t do any of your penetrating under the water. It will make the rest of the sex better, anyway. The water won’t be washing away any lubricating love juices down there.

Positions For Shower Sex

There’s no way around this. Any position that you use in the shower is going to be standing. That’s pretty much all you have for yourself. The easiest thing to do is for the woman to be in front and bent over.

The more flexible she is, the more penetration you can experience. If she can bend at the waist and touch the floor with her fingertips, you’re both in for a mind-blowing bang. The man can also try to lift her up and hold her against the wall for face to face sex. This really isn’t recommended, though.

It’s just too dangerous and no sex is worth a lifetime of paralysis after you both fall. If you want something other than vaginal sex, the shower is a great place to get your oral in. One partner gets on his or her knees and just goes to town on the other.

It can feel great for women and men can finally get a special fantasy fulfilled. If the woman is squeamish about taking a facial, just take it in the shower. You can wash off the protein shake right after it gets served up. If the woman wants to do something special but she’s unsure if her man is into giving facials, he is. There’s no question about it. He just is.

Now, one thing I should mention about positions and effort. You’re definitely going to be burning a lot of calories if you’re smashing in the shower!

Get Really Anal About It

This is also the perfect time to try some anal sex. All it takes is bending over and giving it to her. You can use some non-water-soluble lube if you want, but it honestly shouldn’t even be necessary. Just get her nice and slippery the usual way you do it in the shower and the rest will take care of itself.

This is also another solution for the condom problem if you’re using them to prevent pregnancy and not an STD. Just remember this helpful rhyme:

Jizz in her fudge piper and you’ll never change a diaper… 

Clean Up After Getting Down

Most of you have probably been imaging having sex in your own showers this whole time. That’s not going to be the case for everyone, though.

Just think about the young guy or girl who lives at home or in a dorm. Maybe you just like getting nasty at other people’s houses. All of that is fine. Just remember to clean up after yourself.

No one likes stepping in the shower and slipping on cum, especially when it’s not yours. Just hose the thing down a little before you leave the bathroom and you’ll be fine.

Try It Out

So, that’s everything you need to know about having sex in the shower. Now it’s up to you to try it out. Just remember to do it safely. Both you and your partner are probably already knuckle blasting yourselves when you’re alone in there. There’s no reason not to make it a family affair.

Bring your genitals together and just have a good time with it. If you want to have sex in some other places, consider doing it in a car, in an alley, in the kitchen, at a party, or hell, you could even try having sex in a bed.

The only thing holding you back from having a good time anywhere you want is you. Don’t be afraid to drop your drawers and drop a load. It’s your sex life. Enjoy it!

Burn Calories While Having Sex


Sex is great for a lot of different reasons. The first is that it feels amazing. It’s more fun than you can really have to do anything else. If you don’t think so, then you’re doing it wrong! It releases endorphins and keeps us nice and healthy.

There are a few hidden benefits that you might not know about, though. The biggest is that it can help you to burn a whole lot of calories. How many depends on a few factors, but the end result is clear.

You can “sex” your way to a much healthier you and that’s nothing to sneeze at. Here’s how you can figure out how many calories sex can burn for you.

calories burned

How Many Calories Do You Burn While Having Sex

Here’s how to figure out the number of calories burned while banging with your booty call.

Figure Out Your BMI

The first thing you have to do is figure out your BMI. That stands for Body Mass Index. You’ll have to know some metric to figure it out, but it will let you know how much exercise will burn how many calories. All you have to do is divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

It sounds more complicated than it is. Just go by the formula BMI=KG/M2 and you’ll be able to get it. If your number is 25 or over, you’re considered overweight and sex is just what the doctor ordered.

Just Go With The Average

If you don’t want to be bothered with figuring it all out, just go with the average. On average, men tend to burn about 100 calories when they have sex. Women, on the other hand, tend to burn 69.

That’s going to change a lot when you factor in different positions and energy levels. A woman in the cowgirl position is obviously going to burn more calories than a woman in the missionary position. A lot of it just comes down to common sense.

Steps To Success

Here’s what you should do to make sure you find success with your sex:

  1. Figure out how many calories you want to lose. You should also decide if you want it to be an ongoing regime or just a way to lose some weight in the short term.
  2. Choose A Time Frame. Now it’s time to decide how quickly you want to lose weight. Find a timeframe that’s reasonable but challenging.
  3. Talk to your partner about it and let them know that you want to use sex for weight loss.
  4. Find some new positions to try out. The more challenging the position, the more calories you’ll burn.
  5. Stick to it. Don’t try it a few times and give up. Stick with it and you’ll be sure to meet your goals in no time.

Don’t Exercise To Failure

The thing to keep in mind is that you have to do all of this safely. Try new positions and track your progress. There are plenty of sites that you give you new ideas. Oh, and plenty of sites to help you meet people for banging – this one here is for starters. Just make sure you listen to your body and stop when it’s too much. No one wants to get injured with sex.

Eiffel Tower Sex Position


Have you heard of the Eiffel Tower? I’m sure you’ve heard of the tower in France, but have you heard of the sex position? If not, and you’re using networks like Instabang and Fling, then you NEED to know about this! It’s one of those things that comes up once in a lifetime for most if at all. So when the time is right, you best jump on it! Here’s what you need to know about the Eiffel Tower.

eiffel tower sex position

All About The Eiffel Tower Sex Position

In this day and age, all types of men are trying to advance their sexual experiences. There are a lot of exciting and interesting ways to add some kink to your life, and new positions are always a great start. An even better start is group sex dynamics, and one of the best are threesomes. In a two guy, one girl scenario, you have the potential to pull of the legendary Eiffel Tower sex position!

Be Prepared For a Legendary Night

This classic position requires both men to be on either side of a kneeling woman. The woman is the key here as she has to be an enthusiastic performer and have quite a bit of stamina.

On one end, she should have her lips wrapped around the man’s penis, engaged in an intense session of oral sex. The other man should be right behind her in the Doggystyle position, pounding her intensely.

The Eiffel is then completed by a high five! It really is that simple and is actually an incredibly fun and bonding experience for everyone involved. Even better, it gives you a chance to take really cool pictures of the act that you can keep immortalized forever. The Eiffel Tower is the move of legends!

eiffel tower sex

Pick The Right Partners

The most important part of this act is having willing and comfortable partners who know exactly what they are getting into and consent to the entire experience. Threesomes are a lot of fun but only for people with the correct mindset.

There is a lot of physical maneuvering of course, but there are emotional components that don’t make this as appealing to everyone. You need male partners who are comfortable together as well as a female partner who is willing to engage with both men.

These situations often lead to a lot of jealousy and can easily be construed into a disrespectful occurrence, so communication is really the most important thing. This is something that you want to go in prepared and on the same page as everyone involved.

Conclusion: A Great Time if You Do it Right

Sexuality is complex and ultimately what you want is for everyone to have a good connection and a good orgasm. This position features some physical strains as well as emotional ones, depending on who you do it with.

It’s great to have sexual experiences with those who you are close with in life but sometimes it’s easier to be adventurous with people you don’t know.

There are a lot of hookup and dating sites where people are looking specifically for this type of experience and that might be the better route for someone who’s interested in getting into new sexual experiences. The Eiffel Tower can be a lot of fun with the right people and the right attitude.

FindCheaters Review = Cheating Company


I’m a fan of cheating, big time! But Not a fan of using crappy sites like This is a terrible website and one that you must avoid. Find out why I suggest avoiding this site and why you must not give them your money. Trust me, I know more about banging girls you meet online than anyone out there. Yes, I bang daily and this will prove it…

My Review

There are a lot of hookup sites that are dedicated to helping men and women cheat on their significant others. You can look at that however you want. Sometimes you just need to step out on your girlfriend or wife to scratch an itch that she won’t touch.

Some of these sites do a good job of connecting you with discreet people for a one-time or ongoing thing. Other sites just want to scam you out of your money. That’s exactly what is after. They have no intention of helping you meet people. They just want to get your membership money from you.

There are no real women on the site. In fact, there aren’t even any real profiles. It’s all one big illusion that was never designed to work for the purpose that it pretends to exist for.

The Fine Print Tells You What’s Going On

All you really have to do is look at the fine print to see what the site is all about. They tell you exactly what’s going on right there. They don’t even try to hide it. It’s right on the signup page that you have to use to get into the site. It says that the site is only there for adult entertainment purposes. That’s it. It’s not there to help you hook up.

It’s not even there to act as a dating site. It’s only there to entertain you. It serves the same purpose as your TV. If you’re already paying for cable, there’s no sense in taking on an additional bill for the same thing. It’s not a hook up site and it’s not a dating site. It’s just a site that bored people are supposed to use to pass the time.

None Of The Profiles Are Real

You’re going to get a whole lot of emails, just like any other scam site out there. All you have to do it take a look at the profiles sending them. You’re going to see the same thing over and over again. Each of the profiles contacting you will have a Love Stars badge. That means it was created by the site just to send you fake messages. Then you have to upgrade your membership to read and respond to them. It’s the same way that all of the scam sites work.

Conclusion: Find Cheaters Is A Waste Of Time

There are plenty of other cheater sites out there. Some of them will even work for you. Find Cheaters isn’t one of them. It’s just a scam that sells you entertainment and nothing more. There’s no reason for you to use this site.

It doesn’t have anything to offer you. You can get your adult entertainment for free anywhere else. There are no real women here and no opportunities to hook up with anyone. Save your money and your time by finding a different site (this hub here) to check out and use to hook up.

Related Article: My Cheating Hookup Review

Is AffairAlert Your Answer To Cheating?


Today I’m here to share some insight that I have on a very low-grade site (IMHO) and I think you’ll want to read this in full. The site I’m covering today is called AffairAlert and it’s one most famous for scamming consumers looking to cheat on their significant others. If you’re scratching your head, then perhaps you’re not the cheating or affair type. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. However, don’t get caught up in this nonsense here on this website without reading my review in full. Homepage

Why Is Not The One For You

I’ve been making my way around the Internet and sometimes I step in dog crap. Well, this time, it was a huge pile of poop and that pile was Affair Alert. Find out why I truly believe that this site has nothing to offer consumers other than the ability to ruin their lives and empty their bank accounts.

pile of dog poop

Same Style/Design/Scam is one of those classic scam sites where it doesn’t take much investigating to realize things are not on the up and up. A hallmark of these type of sites is trying to appear as legit as possible on the surface.

This normally means ripping off the style and design of actual legit dating sites. barely meets this criteria because the most basic actions you try to take on the site reveal that the whole thing is designed to steal your money.

Hot Women (or Bots)?

I’ll also have you know that claims to have a roster of hot women who are looking to hook up as soon as possible. This claims to be a place specifically for people who are ready to break out of their relationship and have an affair.

It’s about twenty-five dollars for a monthly membership, and seventy dollars for a six-month membership. They feature typical dating site options, like messaging, emails, and even videos. The thing is, nothing you will interact with on this page is real. It’s filled with nothing but bots, fake profiles, stolen pictures, and a variety of spam.

AffairAlert fake profile proof

Nothing Is Real

It’s clear that nothing here is real because the moment you set up an account, you are immediately going to receive a ton of messages. Whether they come in the form of emails or messages directly to your inbox, it won’t take more than a minute for you to find a dozen messages from hot girls looking to hook up.

However, this is how the scam begins. The moment you want to read or respond to any of the messages, you are hit with the prompt to upgrade to a VIP membership. This is a dead giveaway that the entire site is fraudulent. Nothing about the site is free and once you want to do the most basic interaction, they are asking for your credit card information.

Do Nothing, Still Getting Bombarded

You have to understand that even if you don’t put up a picture or set up a profile, there will be accounts saying how much they like you and want to hook up. How is any of that possible if you have a blank profile and account with no relevant information?

These messages are not even generated by real people. The website has something called Ambassadors, which they claim are top users connected to the site. In fact, these accounts are your fastest way to know you are being contacted by someone fake.

This is just code for the accounts that are being run by the site itself or by third-party contractors.  Not only are the women not real, but all the photos of the women are stolen from other places on the internet. They don’t even own the photos of these alleged users. These type of business practices are fraudulent and should let you know the whole point here is to steal money from you.

terms and conditions of affairalert

TOCs Explain It All

If you check the terms and conditions, they admit to the fraud right up front. They will tell you that the notifications you get are generated by the staff to promote interaction on the site. They will always say that there are some staff run accounts that are used to promote the site.

They do this to cover themselves legally when they defraud you because you’re unaware of how these sites work. You should do everything you can to avoid this site and others that resemble these business practices.

Conclusion: Avoid, Run For The Hills

I don’t care whether you’ve got the sex drive of a testosterone filled bodybuilder that needs to bang something daily or he goes crazy. Regardless, do not try here! If you’re planning on using the Affair Alert site still, then you’re an absolute fool.

There’s nothing good about this affair dating site and you’re never going to bang anyone ever. Don’t bother trying because it’s not going to happen! That’s all I’ve got to say about that. If you’re looking to connect with real people and really bang, then you can do it – RIGHT HERE TODAY!

Popular Fitness Apps That Single Guys Should Be Using


I’m a fitness freak, literally doing nothing but working out and trying to meet horny girls. If you’re in the same boat, then you and I have that in common. The good news is that there are now apps that you can use to get in shape. All you’ll need is a smartphone and the willpower to want to get in shape.

Think about this for a second…

In this modern age, your smartphone is an essential tool for your everyday life. This even extends to the gym, for a wide variety of reasons. One of the most basic is the need to play music while you work out. Most people use their phones to play music, so they often keep their phones on them during their workouts.

Fitness Apps

Likewise, your phone is a great tool for tracking your progress in a variety of ways. You can use apps to track your running routes, getting the timing down on a particular set, or just to record your form so you can have feedback to see if you’re doing everything correctly.

Some apps are more useful than others, however, and finding the perfect app for you can be a huge boost to your workout regimen and overall results. Whether you need to track your diet, get hyped up, or need a guide to stretch and cool out, there are plenty of apps that will give you an edge.

You’re probably wondering why I’m even talking about this? Well, it should come as no surprise that these guys in shape get laid quite often. Perhaps more frequently than those who do not focus on or care about their physical appearance and health. For those with even a little bit of interest, you’ll find apps that I recommend.

Workout Apps For Fitness Fans, To Use Any Place, Any Time

Here’s a rundown of the apps that you need to know about!


Aaptiv Site

Some people don’t like working out alone and require the direction of a high-level trainer to guide them through a workout. If that’s you, one of the best options is Aaptiv.

Featuring over twelve categories and thousands of sessions, you have your choice of several high-level trainers who can guide you through an intense workout. All you need is a pair of headphones.


Jefit workout app

For those who like to be organized during their workouts and might not want a trainer involved, Jefit is a great choice. It allows you to track your personal routines or access a library of weight training programs.

This is a great app because it has a community-based component that allows you to interact with other users and share data and experiences. Like many of the apps on the market, there is a useful free version, as well as a paid monthly subscription that will give you more access to different types of features.


fitbit workout app and device

The Fitbit is one of the most popular workout tools out there, but not everyone knows about Fitbit Coach, the companion app. It features detailed video and audio workouts, this app is one of the most convenient apps available and boasts an easy to use interface. If you already have a Fitbit or are thinking of getting one, this is a must-have.

Apps For Home Gym Use

Not everyone enjoys the gym experience, and Peloton digital is one of the leaders in at home training. The brand is already incredibly popular because of its’ high tech equipment options, but their app provides a variety of great services.

You can stream in classic categories like cycling, boot camp, outdoor, strength, or cycling, and there are daily live studio classes uploaded for you to join.

If you don’t want the live experience their library features tens of thousands of classes, but it comes at a price. The monthly fee is twenty dollars a month, but it’s well worth it for the at-home workout junkies who still want that human experience.


Asana Rebel

As for others at home exercise routines, like yoga, Asana Rebel is a great choice. Starting at ten dollars a month, they feature a variety of licensed trainers and yoga routines that can guide you from novice all the way to expert level. Their interface is organized and easy to use and is an excellent option for those who love yoga but don’t have time to head to the yoga studio.

Some people love to step out of the house to work out, and MapmyFitness is a great app because it does just what it says by using a GPS tracker to let you know where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re headed.

Backed by Under Armour, this is a beloved app amongst cross fit junkies and long-distance runners. It also has a convenient social media component that allows you to share your routes and states with your friends.


Romwod app

After you’ve finished pushing through on that hard work out, the smartest thing you can do is employ an intelligent stretch routine that will speed up your recovery time. ROMWOD is a leader in providing a variety of stretching routines for all types of workouts.

They provide a daily guide, have a massive content library, and have routines that are useful for all types of gym junkies.

It’s a little pricey at fifteen dollars a month, but it’s well worth it for avid gym goers, especially those who are heavy in cardio or weight training but don’t employ any yoga in their routines.

Pick What’s Best (For You)

These apps provide so many benefits to working out, that everyone who’s concerned about staying fit can find one that is useful to them. Just do some basic research and make sure your chosen app blends well with your already established routine. You’ll find that your results will come much faster when you have help.

Well, just like the dating scene, the fitness scene requires effort. The good news is that putting forth effort in both can literally 10x your life in general. Do it or you’ll be sorry, trust me.

How To Cancel Your Naughty Date Membership And Delete Your Profile


I’ve made it perfectly clear that the Naughty Date website is not worth your time and money. You can read all that in my full review here. However, not everyone reading this is going to be lucky enough to read this first before joining. Which is why I’m sharing exactly how you can cancel your account and delete your profile in a matter of minutes.

If you’ve found yourself on, then you probably want to leave as quickly as you can. It’s no surprise that this site basically just works as a scam. You’ll never actually talk to anyone and you certainly won’t be meeting up with anyone.

They use all of the same tried and true tactics that tons of other sites (like this crap) use to lure you into establishing a paid profile. After you fall for it, you’re going to be on the hook for quite a bit of money and you’ll be billed every single month. If you’re not careful and paying attention, you could lose a lot of cash. My advice would be to stop what you’re doing and cancel your membership ASAP. I’ve provided the steps to take if you want to accomplish this task.

But first, here’s how the scam works:

The way the scam works is simple. Once you make your free profile, you’re going to start getting messages from people. The thing about it is that you won’t be able to respond to them. They’ll just keep coming and coming and you’ll have no way to stop them. The reason for this is where the scam comes in. They’re not being sent by real people. They’re being sent by fake profiles to make you think that there are people trying to talk to you. The second you pay to respond, they’re going to stop coming and you’ll be left alone with nothing but bots. That’s why you should cancel as soon as you can and delete your profile for good!

deleting your naughty date membership

How To Delete Your Naughty Date Profile And Cancel Your Membership

In order to cancel, you’re going to have to jump through a few hoops, but it’s for the best. Here are the directions on how to do it below.

1. Log into your account.
2. Click on your profile picture. It’s going to be in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
3. Now you’re going to find yourself on your account page.
4. Scroll all the way down (to the bottom) until you see the “remove account” button.
5. Enter your password after you click it.
6. Now you’re going to have to go to the bottom of the page again and click on the box for removing your profile and information from the site.
7. Pick a reason why you want to leave. Don’t be afraid to type in your own and tell them you don’t like to be scammed.
8. Now you have to confirm your decision. Click on the “Are you still sure you want to leave?” text.
9. Finally, click on “confirm removal” to be done with the site forever.

That’s it. You’re now free and clear of this terrible site. You won’t be billed again and you can stop dealing with all of the fake messages.

Finding yourself on a scam site is nothing new, but it’s never fun. If you start to notice any of the similar hallmarks on other sites, make sure you take action. You don’t have to be involved in any site that you don’t want to be. Keep you and your bank account safe by looking out for them and never getting involved with them. There are plenty of good, decent hookup sites out there that provide you with what you’re looking for. All you have to do is find them – start right here.