Believe it or not, there are rules when it comes to messaging girls online through a dating website. Whether you’re a new member to a dating site or you’re contemplating joining one, I’d suggest you read and understand what I’m about to share with you. These tips are applicable regardless of what adult dating site you’re using. It’s inevitable that you’ll need to know this at some point in time so pay attention carefully…
Important Rules For Messaging Girls On Dating Sites
Here’s a quick rundown for you on five things that you should never do when it comes to dating and messaging girls online.
Don’t Demand
If you sound too demanding then you’re never going to hear back from any girls. Demanding anything on a message that you send to a potential hook up will have girls running faster than Tina ran from Ike! She doesn’t work for you and you’re not the boss so cut that shit out!
Don’t Be Corny
I must also warn you that girls still do not like corny guys. They find them funny, cute and like to talk about them but they don’t like to bang them. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to not be a cornball or say anything too corny to her. For example, the “You must be sweating because you’re so damn hot” one-liners aren’t going to get you anywhere.
Don’t Look Desperate
If you look desperate the only thing a girl is going to do is for you is feel bad for you. They may take you out, make you pay but they won’t have sex with you if they think you’re desperate. So do not message a girl five times if she doesn’t respond. Just let it go and move on.
Don’t Say Strange Stuff
Girls that use online dating sites want to know that they are dealing with normal guys that just want some kind of no strings attached date, that’s all they want. They don’t want to hear something strange come out of your mouth. It’s only going to be a huge turn-off and make them think WTF, hell no!
Don’t Ask Her Out Right Away
This is pretty important. You must play it cool and not ask her out right away when you message her. Get to know that girl first before you ask her out. If you start to feel like you’re making progress then you can ask her out. If you go in for the kill too soon you’re bound to never succeed.
These are all pretty simple tips but they should help and you should definitely consider them to be staple rules for messaging girls online using any dating app or website of any nature.